Quality Management and Compliance


HIQA, ISO 13485, ISO 9001, Custom

VERTHOS provides the toolset to manage non-conformances across your organisation


Deploy and operate bespoke audits tailored to different profiles of service user


Effective sandboxing of data across all of your organisational units


VERTHOS will help you meet the five key challenges that face healthcare service providers with respect to operating an effective compliance programme.

  1. Build localised variants of your audits on demand to match the varying profile of service users.
  2. Non-conformance Action Registers that automatically orchestrate non-conformance corrective action procedures right through to conclusion. Nothing gets lost, nothing is forgotten.
  3. Comprehensive analytics reports and interactive dashboards that feed role appropriate data, trends, and statistics across all levels of management. This includes operational reports that help you quickly identify bottlenecks in your workflows that diminish your organisational effectiveness.
  4. Robust and transparent processes that stand up to internal and external scrutiny. VERTHOS provides specialised dashboards through which you can instantly answer queries from external auditors and inspectors, and at the same time demonstrate that you have effective processes in place that systematically deliver results. We like to refer to this as being "Always Audit Ready".
  5. VERTHOS understands the complexity of the organisational structures in healthcare and the need to ensure that access to data is minimised at all times and is segregated and restricted across reporting lines. VERTHOS allows you to model your organisational structure so that analytics, trend data, and statistical reports flow upwards and never sideways.


Our ISO9001 audit suite is provided in a unified environment alongside all other forms of audit, including your own bespoke audits.

Dr. Matt Seaver has designed this audit suite to give valuable guidance and insights to even the most seasoned of quality management professionals.

It covers all phases of ISO 9001 from all clauses in section 4 through to section 10.

Customer & Bespoke

VERTHOS provides you with the means to create any number of customer defined or your own internal bespoke audits on-demand.

All of these audits are automatically integrated with CAPA management.

VERTHOS employs a sophisticated register of audit questions that you can use to quickly create specialist or general audits. All new questions that you define for an audit are automatically stored in the question register and are available to you when creating future audits. Any changes that you make to existing questions in the register are also tracked providing you with important evidence of continuous improvement.

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